10 Profile Picture Ideas That Can Have a Big Impact

profile picture ideas

We all have at least one online profile. One might be for fun, to keep in touch with friends and family. Another could be on a job site where you look for work. Then there is the online dating profile. It could be a profile picture for a company you already run.

Getting creative with profile picture ideas can actually help and hinder your progress. Too much information, coming across in the wrong way, or not revealing enough. Your profile picture can actually be a very effective tool for getting what you want.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the best profile picture ideas and how they can help you succeed.

What Does Your Profile Photo Say About You?

Actual Photo Analysis Results:

Age: 35:
Ethnic: White_Caucasian
Attraction: 7.64 out of 10
Emotion: Happy 
Results: This would be a GOOD choice for a Dating Profile.


Best Profile Picture Ideas

Just because you like a particular picture of yourself doesn’t mean it is right for all your profiles. If you have several online profiles, you need appropriate profile pictures for each one.

Online Dating Profile

Your profile picture needs to match what you are looking for.

1. Smile

Show a natural smile. A picture where your smile looks forced makes you look phony and unnatural. It’s best if the picture looks natural and candid. Don’t worry if it makes the smile lines around your eyes show up, we all have them.

2. No Selfies

We can see your arm, and no one wants to see your kissy duck-lips. The mirror reflection picture with the flash and your toilet in the background are such a hard no. You should opt for at least a friend to take your picture.

You can also get professional help. It doesn’t need to be a big studio photo shoot, but a few nice pictures in different settings are far more interesting. It also doesn’t need to cost a lot.

3. Avoid Filters

Don’t use apps to add rabbit ears or whiskers. It’s juvenile and doesn’t show your real self. Or does it? You might think it makes you look fun, but it is not doing you any favors.

Don’t use other filters that obscure lines, wrinkles or makes you look much younger or different. Put your real and best face forward.

4. Get Sporty

Activity pictures can work but avoid beach pictures. The beach pictures are to make your friends jealous of your holiday, but they shouldn’t be used for a dating profile.

Showing yourself being active can work, but don’t show yourself drenched in sweat and red-faced. You want to look active, fun and healthy.

Job Seekers Profile

Setting up a profile online to find work is time-consuming and a very useful tool. It’s important to get your profile picture that captures the feel of your portfolio.

5. Look Professional

It’s a good idea to use a picture that looks like a professional headshot, whether it is or not. A close-up of your face framed well and in a professional setting. Don’t use a picture from the wedding or a beach party.

Wear clothing in the profile picture you would wear to the type of job you are looking for. Business casual, or a step up, for office work, or a plain white or light colored shirt.

6. Just You

Don’t use group shots or your wedding photo, just because you think you look nice in it. This goes for trying to edit out the gang to get just you, as well. We can still see your buddy’s arm.

Also, be aware of the background. If you are using a nice candid shot, make sure there is no one else behind you and try to crop out any identifiable locations.

Business Profile

Whether this profile is for a business page on Facebook or Linked In or your website, appearing professional is key.

7. Focus on Business

Keep your profile picture to the point. Don’t include your family or pictures of your kids. If you sell something for kids, use those pictures elsewhere. If you are using yourself for the picture, keep out extra items, as well.

If you think it will help sell the products, then show it being used. Focus on business means what you are wearing and doing in the photo. Pick one that is recent, that actually looks like you.

8. Wear the right Clothing

Make sure you wear appropriate clothing. You may love your recent bikini shot from your holiday, but it not appropriate for a professional picture. You don’t need to wear a suit if that’s not your usual work gear.

Have the picture taken in your uniform, if appropriate, or just a nice shirt or jacket. keep the picture of your heads and shoulders or from the waist up. You can use full body shots if it is suitable for the business.

9. Keep it Clear

The picture needs to be in focus and without excess shadows or reflective light. People want to see your features. Keep it at a nice distance, and keep your facial expressions confident and pleasant.

Tips for all Profile Pictures

Some general but very important profile picture guidelines.

10. Simple Rules

No sunglasses or hats that cover your eyes and face. Avoid drinking and party pictures and don’t have anyone else in the picture drinking with you. Don’t get too sexy with the picture, even for the dating profiles.

Always use a picture. Even if you have a restaurant, keep your picture in the profile and pictures of your product elsewhere on the page or website. People want to connect with you. It’s more personal.

Be creative. Black and white pictures can be interesting, but avoid them for a business profile. You want to be in color for that. It makes you more vibrant.

Say Cheese!

Say cheese but not cheesy. It’s great to try and be creative and try something a bit unusual to stand out. There are plenty of profile picture ideas to draw from. Try to make it all match your personality and the message you are sending.

You can easily find a professional photographer online who will help you get the exact shot you want and help you land the job, sell your product or launch that dating site.

Please contact us to get started and for any other information that you need.

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