The Ultimate Tinder App Guide: How to Get the Most out of Your Profile

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How To Get The Most Out of Your Tinder Profile

The Tinder App generates about 1 million dates each week and is one of the most popular dating apps. So if you’re looking for love, turning to Tinder can be a great way to meet that new special someone.

But with so many users, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle and your special someone could overlook your profile!

Don’t miss out on your happily-ever-after! Check out this helpful Tinder guide on how you can get the most out of your profile.

What Does Your Profile Photo Say About You?

Actual Photo Analysis Results:

Age: 35:
Ethnic: White_Caucasian
Attraction: 7.64 out of 10
Emotion: Happy 
Results: This would be a GOOD choice for a Dating Profile.


Pick the Perfect Photo for Your Tinder App Profile

First impressions matter more than we think. Moreover, we tend to make up our minds about someone within the first few seconds of meeting them.

To make a great first impression, you’ll need to choose the perfect profile photo.

As you may recall, there are seven factors that go into taking the perfect headshot:

  • Appropriate clothing.
  • Engaged, confident eye contact.
  • Chin placement.
  • A great smile.
  • Shooting from the right angle.
  • Relaxing.
  • Adding a bit of makeup.

It may sound like a lot of effort to put into a single photo, but not everyone scrolls past the first image.

And if they do get past your first image? Well, you’re not in the clear yet. You’ll want to include another four or five photos of similar quality.

Avoid unflattering angles, group shots, selfies, and filters, as these can either be confusing or unflattering.

Write an Interesting Tinder App Bio

Tinder is full of bland and boring bios that ultimately say nothing unique or interesting.

You may like long walks on the beach and romantic picnics, but so does just about everyone else on Tinder. Instead, focus on the things that make you stand out from the crowd.

Grab a potential match’s attention with a unique headline.

Check out these hilarious Tinder App profile examples and notice how they all played up aspects of their personalities. People have used everything from puns to fake Yelp reviews to create interesting bios.

You can — and should — use similar techniques in your profile. The more you stand out, the better.

Ask for Help

If you’re truly stumped and can’t come up with a clever profile or take a good photo, there’s no shame in asking for a little help. It’s better to humble yourself for a little while than to live without finding your perfect match.

Ask your friends to help you out. You’d be surprised at how many of your friends would be happy to help you out.

In fact, you can even combine this tip with the previous tip. Have each friend “review” you and include a few notable facts about you.

It’s clever, plays up your highlights, and you won’t sound egotistical for talking yourself up. It’s a win all around!

Send the First Message

You only get one chance at a first impression, so your first message to a match has to be a good one.

Don’t try any cheesy pick-up lines. Instead, try something fun and unique. Start out with a joke or ask them to come up with the cheesiest pick-up line possible. It’s fun, engaging, and a bit of a challenge.

Or comment on something you noticed about their profile. Maybe you attended the same school or like the same band. These may seem like small details, but they’re a great way to break the ice.

Along those lines, don’t overthink it. You’re on Tinder to meet people, after all. If you’re always waiting for someone else to send the first message, you’ll be waiting for a long time.

Don’t be afraid to make the first move. Ditch the mind games and be upfront. You’ll find it’s way more rewarding.

Be Patient

Waiting for your new match to message back can be excruciating. You might have a million different scenarios running through your head about how they matched with you by accident or how they’re probably just a bot.

And while it’s true that the Tinder App has a huge bot problem, that doesn’t mean you should jump to negative conclusions.

Yes, waiting is hard. But that’s part of the experience. Don’t wait by your phone for a response. Get out and live your life. If it’s meant to be, your match will message you back eventually.

Let the Conversation Evolve Naturally

The great thing about messaging through Tinder is that you can take your time crafting the perfect response. While you won’t want to keep your match waiting, you still have plenty of time to think things through.

However, a conversation is an art form, and taking the right approach can either guarantee Tinder success or an immediate unmatch.

It’s best to let conversations flow in a natural manner. If things fizzle out, it wasn’t meant to be. And that’s okay.

Don’t bother spamming a match with messages. You’ll only push them away and appear clingy.

Conversely, don’t jump into things too fast. Asking for a date after two or three message exchanges or making inappropriate advances and requests are bad ideas.

Be on your best behavior and don’t rush things. Your matches will thank you.

It’s Okay to Swipe Left

As strange as it may seem, some people do, indeed, swipe right on everyone they come across. This may mean more matches, but it doesn’t guarantee quality. It’s also a great way to run out of ‘likes’ if you’re using a free account.

Don’t feel obligated to swipe right on every profile you see. Be thoughtful and take your time viewing each person’s profile before making a decision.

Though this could mean fewer successes, it also results in stronger, more authentic matches. Trust your gut and be selective.

The Ultimate Tinder App Guide: A Few Final Thoughts

The Tinder App is a great way to meet people. And this Tinder guide is a great way to get started on taking your profile in the right direction.

But, as we’ve noted, quality is always better than quantity. Don’t worry about the number of matches you get. Instead, focus on the profiles that really interest you.

Look for others who stand out and who took the time to do something creative with their profile. Then, focus on getting to know the other person through natural, respectful dialogue.

As long as you keep these tips in mind, you’ll have no problem attracting the right people.

Want a little help? Get in touch today and see how we can help you craft the perfect online profile.

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