6 Benefits of a Facebook Business Pages
More than 240 million people in the United States use Facebook. Does this mean anything to you?
If you own a business, it should. This is a huge audience for you to reach and influence.
However, if you don’t have a Facebook business page, with no intentions of creating one, then this article is definitely for you. The fact is, the benefits of Facebook for your business are vast. If you aren’t taking advantage of them, you are losing potential customers, sales and profits.
Ready to learn more? If so, keep reading for some of the top benefits offered by Facebook for your business.
What Does Your Profile Photo Say About You?
Age: 35:
Ethnic: White_Caucasian
Attraction: 7.64 out of 10
Emotion: Happy
Results: This would be a GOOD choice for a Dating Profile.
Acquire More Leads
While getting customers to “Like” your page is great, it isn’t enough. This won’t help you achieve a sustainable, long-term business.
While a “Like” is great for the short-term, what happens if Facebook ever does disappear (remember MySpace)? If you haven’t worked to make a connection with followers beyond the platform, then you’re going to be in trouble.
Once someone has liked your Facebook business page, you need to gather leads in the form of email addresses. This will ensure you can connect and contact the person outside of Facebook.
How? It’s simple, really. Host giveaways and contests on your Facebook page. The thought of getting something for free will entice anyone to provide you with their contact information.
Share Videos and Pictures
While there’s no question that sharing text posts is a great way to use Facebook, you can also upload videos and pictures of your business.
It’s estimated that by 2021, 80 percent of all information consumed on the internet will be through video. This means you can’t ignore the power of video in your marketing efforts and Facebook is the perfect platform to showcase it.
The fact is, videos and pictures are a powerful way to communicate with your customers and potential customers. It allows them to see what you have to offer without ever visiting your location.
Reduce Marketing Expenses
Do you know how much it costs to start a Facebook business page?
Nothing, that’s right – $0.
While you may pay someone to design a great cover photo or profile picture, this isn’t required. You can just use the photos you take with your smartphone. In some cases, that’s even better than a more creative image provided by a designer.
The point is, you can start your page without having to pay anything. Once you have a Facebook business page set up, you can invest into it to run sponsored stories, boost your posts, and increase your Likes, but this isn’t required in the beginning.
Also, even when you decide it’s time to invest, a Facebook ad is somewhat inexpensive when compared to traditional TV, radio, or print ads. Also, they are up to 1,000 times more targeted.
Drive More Traffic to Your Website
Yes, Facebook can be used to drive more traffic to your business website. Customers will receive the needed information from your Facebook page and then visit your website.
Once they have arrived, they can make purchases, contact you for more information, or take another action.
Reach a More Targeted Audience
With billions of Facebook users around the globe, it’s possible to find the ones interested in what you offer and target them – and only them.
The fact is, you don’t want everyone on Facebook to Like your page. After all, only a small percentage are going to engage with your posts and be interested in what you have to offer.
The best way to get affordable, targeted Likes is with targeted ads.
If you own a local business, create ads that target customers in a 10 to 20-mile radius of your location. While these ads may cost a little more, the Likes you receive are much more targeted. This means the likelihood of an actual conversion is much, much higher.
Consider this – if you put an ad on television during “Game of Thrones,” you would be pretty hard pressed to know if your ad found the right type of people. However, with Facebook ads, this isn’t the case. You can target the ad to find the people who want what you have to offer.
Access to Facebook Insights
Facebook insights can be invaluable when it comes to figuring out what’s working and what’s not on your business page.
Why you may wonder?
Because the insights provided are simple to understand. Even if you are non-technical, you can understand what you are seeing.
Some of the information provided by these insights include:
- The number of page Likes you have
- The reach of your page and posts
- Engagement on the page
- Post-performance
The list goes on. With these insights, you have the information needed to make changes if something isn’t working. You also know when something is working so you can keep it up.
Use These Benefits of Facebook for Your Business
As you can see, the benefits of Facebook for your business are vast. However, something you need to understand is that if your page isn’t set up properly, it can lead to disaster.
The good news is, our team is made up of profile pros. We can help ensure your Facebook business page highlights the right information, photos, and more to ensure clients and customers flock to what you have to offer.
Not convinced? Check out our recent blog on how to match your profile pic with your brand. This alone highlights our ability to help you create a page that gets results and that resonates with your customers.