How the Expansion of Facebook Facial Recognition Can Impact Your Online Image

Facebook facial recognition

Companies like Facebook are expanding the world of convenience and security. Facebook facial recognition is a new step towards protecting your online image. But how does it work, and is it safe?

Tagging is a long-standing Facebook practice that helps users control their image. When a friend posts a photo of you, they’re prompted to tag. You receive a notification and decide whether you want that tag or not.

But bypassing tagging prevents a problem for users. Your image can appear without your approval or knowledge. This could hurt your online image and even dissuade would-be employers.

How does Facebook facial recognition help you keep control? And what did Facebook have in mind creating facial recognition? Here we explore the benefits and controls when using facial recognition on Facebook.

What Does Your Profile Photo Say About You?

Actual Photo Analysis Results:

Age: 42
Ethnic: Black/ African descent
Attraction: 9.96 out of 10
Emotion: Happy
Results: Great Dating Photo


Why Facebook Facial Recognition?

Users control their online identifies for professional and personal reasons. They might want to avoid embarrassing pictures that could deter employers. They might be under legal scrutiny that photos could exacerbate.

This was a problem in the early days of Facebook. Users could post photos of others without any recourse. Those others might not even be aware of the photo.

Even today, users can post and bypass the tagging option. This prevents you from knowing about the post, even though you are exposed. Spiteful users could use this against individuals.

Facebook facial recognition empowers users to protect themselves. The technology identifies your face in any photo on Facebook. The system notifies you, giving you opportunities to act.

You have the option of tagging or untagging yourself. You can reach out to the user who posted the photo. This helps you control your personal brand and prevent “stray” photos from lingering.

What Are the Risks of Facial Recognition?

Some are skeptical about Facebook facial recognition. The technology shows that Facebook has swaths of data on all of its users. They can collect data on appearances on an unprecedented scale.

Despite its popularity, Facebook is a corporation. Users are inevitably putting more trust in the tech giants they enjoy. This raises concerns about privacy policies across the globe.

In 2017, Facebook made a statement about managing your identity with this technology. The first line identifies the tool as “optional,” an important note.

Users can manage facial recognition using a simple on-off control. You can also access all of your Facebook data if you have concerns.

It’s uncomfortable when companies have personal information. But facial recognition is a step forward in controlling your online image. Be sure you understand your rights to personal information.

7 Reasons Facial Recognition is Good for Your Personal Brand

Facebook facial recognition provides some clear benefits to users. Some of the benefits are not so obvious.

The following seven methods help you manage your personal brand. Use facial recognition for personal and professional benefits. You’ll find it’s on your side as you continue to grow.

1. Stop Embarrassing or Incriminating Photos

College students and professionals alike are prone to embarrassing photos. Sometimes you don’t want classmates seeing your Friday night capers. Photos of you partying or misbehaving can hurt professional prospects.

Facial recognition will notify you if someone posts embarrassing photos. You can pick and choose photos from last night’s party. You can ask that person to remove the photo altogether as well.

Need a photo removed? Access the photo in your “Photos” section. Click the photo and find an “Options” option. You can ask that the post is removed or report the issue.

2. Leverage Unexpected Photos You Like

A big advantage of facial recognition is unexpected benefits. Imagine if you’re in a photo at a professional conference. If someone posts the photo, you’ll have evidence that you attended.

Did you take part in a public speaking event? Exposure on Facebook could be great for your brand. You can be confident you’re in an appropriate setting to be photographed.

See if anyone posts photos of you. Pick and choose the best ones from your audience’s online photos. You’ll make an impact on those users while expanding your reach.

3. Untag Unexpected Photos You Dislike

Sometimes photos aren’t embarrassing but they’re not quite right. You don’t necessarily want them on your profile. You can have these photos untagged or removed.

Even if your photo isn’t tagged, it can help your brand. Don’t rush to have photos that aren’t your favorite removed. They might be important to others and useful to you.

4. Do Extensive Vetting

Princeton University did a study on photo first impressions. It takes less than one-tenth of a second for a viewer to draw conclusions. It’s critical you have only the best photos on your profile.

Facial recognition promises every opportunity to do so. No photo of you will become public without your knowledge. You can vet the photos of others, including only the best.

Including photos of you from others is important for your brand. They show you are outgoing and your presence is important to others. This is one way facial recognition boosts your personal brand.

5. Work with Your Friends to Choose the Best Photos

Sometimes asking that photos be removed isn’t confrontational. You can vet photos of shared experiences with friends or colleagues. Easily go through dozens of photos to select only a few.

You can select those that work best for everyone. This is a great way to build a team image on Facebook. Sharing tags in photos builds a picture of unity as well.

6. Protect the Image of Others

Sometimes you’re the one posting unwanted photos. You may not have done this on purpose. But you probably want to take photos down if you know they’re upsetting people.

Fortunately, people in your photos can easily notify you of the problem. This protects you from being discovered months or years later. Friends of colleagues won’t become angry about you hosting their image online.

7. Create a Cohesive Brand Identity

Branding is no longer exclusive to companies. Our personal brand affects our personal lives and our work. Why is this the case?

The digital world is a crowded and cluttered place. It’s difficult to distinguish one individual from another. You can’t attract attention without the right content.

Branding yourself distinguishes you from the crowd. It shows you have a clear message and value proposition. It shows you’ve made an effort to express yourself to others.

Take advantage of benefits across social media platforms. Ensure your approach is strategic and cohesive as well. Have fun as you watch personal and professional opportunities arrive.

Start with a Winning Profile Picture

It’s great to tag yourself in the photos of others. But your profile picture deserves a professional touch. How do photos with a 98% success rate sound?

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